
Unreliable Mail Delivery?

Concerns about mail delivery times have become more prevalent than ever in the areas that we serve. There are myriad reasons for this, but our goal is to provide solutions to help our insured’s avoid having to worry about slower mail delivery. As a company, Farm Bureau Insurance has a number of programs in place to make receiving invoices and paying bills easier than ever before.

EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) payments are one of the best tools to make sure any bill payments that you have are made on time and without any concern about whether the payment will be lost in transit. If you are not already familiar, EFT is the electronic transfer of money from one bank account to another. This allows a payment to be made quickly and securely, without the need for a physical check or the use of a credit/debit card. We offer EFT for our monthly, quarterly, or full pay options. You can sign up for EFT payments with Farm Bureau Insurance by logging into your account on and navigating to the “Automatic Payments Preferences” button on your policies or by contacting your local county office.

Paperless billing is another option that we offer which allows for you to handle all of your invoicing digitally and to no longer receive a printed invoice in the mail. If you choose to go paperless with Farm Bureau Insurance, we will simply no longer send you a paper invoice and all invoicing will be handled electronically. You will still receive paper copies of your policy declaration. We also encourage you to sign up for email and/or text notifications, this means that anytime a new invoice is produced you will receive a notification through your preferred method. You can sign up for electronic notifications regardless of whether you enroll in paperless billing, just in case you like the reminder, but prefer a paper invoice as well. Paperless billing and electronic notifications can also be setup via your account on, you would use the “Paperless Preferences” button and make your choices from there or you can contact your local county office.

Farm Bureau Insurance wants to provide the tools to help our insureds and prevent any mail delivery related stress. If you need more information or want to make these changes outlined above, just call or stop by your local Farm Bureau Insurance office or visit today!