
Employees Compete in “Take a Run at Hunger” 5K

Farm Bureau Employees and Families Jog It Out in 5K Run

This past Saturday, employees of Farm Bureau participated in the 2018 Take a Run at Hunger 5K in Little Rock. The goal of the run was to simultaneously promote fitness and health amongst participants while also raising money for the Arkansas Foodbank’s Summer Cereal Drive. Due to the fact that children spend their days at home for the summer, many of them are then left without access to school-provided meals. Thus, cereal is considered an incredibly important food for all foodbanks to provide during the summer. Last year, the event had over 200 participants and raised $10,000 overall, which ended up providing 40,000 meals to recipients.

The Farm Bureau Team, captained by Tamara Burton and Tammy Crumley, consisted of 45 employees and family members who either walked or ran in the event. Employees banded together with members of the local Arkansas community to participate in a friendly race and raise money for a good cause. Out of the Farm Bureau Team, 8 members won medals. At the end of the day, all participants meaningfully contributed in helping to make sure that Arkansas children didn’t go hungry this summer.