In a tremendous show of support for the students of Southern Arkansas University, Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Company of Arkansas, Inc. has generously donated $100,000 to the University’s new poultry science facility.
Dr. Trey Berry, SAU’s president, said the gift represents the extraordinary bond between Farm Bureau and SAU and its budding poultry program.
Farm Bureau Insurance made the gift to the SAU Foundation. It supports construction of the new poultry house on the north side of the Agriculture Center.
“SAU is truly grateful for our partnership with Farm Bureau,” said Dr. Berry. “It is committed to providing facilities necessary for our students to be educated in an environment that meets local industry needs.”
He thanked David Moore, executive vice-president and general manager of Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance of Arkansas, for his ongoing support for SAU’s students. “Farm Bureau has been a partner in our success long before this commitment,” Dr. Berry shared. “They have provided internships for many of our agriculture and business students and employed many of our graduates.”
Moore said that as the leading provider of agricultural insurance services in Arkansas, Farm Bureau Insurance assumes a responsibility of helping customers make informed buying decisions. “Our partnership with Southern Arkansas University is unique in that it provides educational opportunities for our customers and staff. Plus, it assists SAU in providing learning activities for students who want to be involved in the poultry industry. Southern Arkansas University, Farm Bureau, and the surrounding communities all win.”
In recognition of this extraordinary gift, the university will name the Agriculture Mechanics Teaching Laboratory in honor of Farm Bureau Insurance. Inside the First Financial Bank Poultry Facility, Farm Bureau will also be recognized in the naming of the Broiler/Breeder Room.
In addition to strengthening the educational component of SAU’s poultry program, Farm Bureau will document the proper construction techniques used in building the poultry house.
Poultry is the leading agriculture industry in Arkansas, and SAU’s Poultry Science program will prepare students for careers in the ever-growing and changing industry. The poultry industry provides more than 15,000 jobs in Arkansas. Forty-one percent of farms in Arkansas produce some type of poultry, and the poultry industry pays an average of $58,776 in wages and benefits.