Affordable auto insurance is just a few clicks away. Experience the Farm Bureau® Promise for yourself: local people, great rates, and friendly service.
At Farm Bureau Insurance, our local agents and adjusters live where you live. They know the streets, highways, and communities you drive through, because they drive them as well. When you get auto insurance with Farm Bureau, you deal with your neighbors—people who share your local values, and are invested in helping you thrive.
When it comes to auto insurance, savings matter. Farm Bureau Insurance offers a variety of discounts to help you get a great price on your coverage, like our multi-policy discount, good driver discount, student driver discount, and more. And don’t forget about DriveDown, our deductible rewards program that lets you save on your deductibles as a reward for driving safely.
Friendly service means more than just a smile at Farm Bureau Insurance. We are committed to fair, fast, efficient service provided by agents who pride themselves on being helpful and courteous. No matter what the road ahead brings, we'll be there, ready and willing to assist you.